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Holiday Mix  //  by Monsieur Cortez

Broadcasted on these fine radios
voici le HOLIDAY MIX de cette semaine:

Session vintage collector funk, disco, soul & boogie 70's et 80's
DAYTON : Meet the man (1982)
BOBBY NUNN : Private party (1983)
CHAKA KAHN : I know you I live you (1981)
CHANGE : Oh what a feeling (Paul Hardcastle re-mix) (1985)
JEAN CARN : Free love (1976)
STATUS IV : Lovin’you (1983)
SHAKATAK : Down on the street (1984)
OUTPUT : Move for me (1983)
SLAVE : Party lites
POSITIVE FORCE : Do me (1980)
KENNY LYNCH : Half the day’s gone and we haven’t earned a penny (1983)
RICHARD JON SMITH : Don’t go walking out that door (1983)
CAROL DOUGLAS : Party nights (1982)
SUNFIRE : Never too late for your lovin’ (1982)
QUEEN SAMANTHA : Give me action (1982)
PINO D’ANGIO : Ma quale idea (1980)